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SFCU is a sponsor of the Hanover Township PBA 128 annual festival

February 16th, 2024

The 5th Annual Food, Wine and Brew Festival hosted by Hanover Township PBA 128, took place on a rainy Saturday, October 1, 2023. The Festival included food, live music, entertainment and family fun at Bee Meadow Park/Brickyard Field just minutes from the Whippany branch. Selfreliance FCU was one of the platinum sponsors of this event. Thanks to donations and proceeds from previous events, the PBA has been able to contribute to numerous community outreach programs.

First photo, standing from left at the Selfreliance tent are: Michael Koziupa, NJ Advisory Board member; Michael Szpyhulsky, SFCU Supervisory Committee and NJ Advisory Board member; and Andrew Hrechak, New Jersey Advisory Board member.

Second photo shows the winner of the SFCU children’s raffle displaying a Selfreliance piggy bank filled with coins. Standing on stage with the band are Michael Koziupa and Andrew Hrechak announcing the winners of the SFCU adult and children's raffles.

Third photo is of children playiing with Selfreliance FCU balloons.

4th photo shows the Festival banner displaying all the sponsors of the Festival. Selfreliance FCU was one of the sponsors of the festival.

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