Selfreliance FCU supports Ukrainian Churches in its service areas
Selfreliance Federal Credit Union maintains a mutually beneficial relationship with area Ukrainian Churches that its members attend. SFCU representatives attend Christmas celebrations at these Churches and provide financial donations.
The following photos show SFCU staff and Advisory Board reps at various Church celebrations.
(1) Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Maplewood at Sviat Vechir on Monday, January 6, 2025: standing from left are: Michael Szpyhulsky, SFCU Board member and New Jersey Advisory Board member; Andrew Hrechak, New Jersey Advisory Board member; Rev. Sviatoslav Hot, Pastor of Holy Ascension UOC; Irene Agne, Newark Branch Manager and New Jersey Advisory Board Secretary and Ihor Laszok, SFCU Board Member Emeritus and New Jersey Advisory Board member. Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Church also received a donation in 2024.
(2) December 25, 2024, Michael Szpyhulsky, member of the SFCU Board and the New Jersey Advisory Board presented a donation to Rev. Vasyl Vladyka, Pastor of Immaculate Conception UCC in Hillside, New Jersey.
(3) December 23, 2024, Rev. Ruslan Romanyuk, Pastor of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey received a donation from Selfreliance Federal Credit Union, presented by Michael Szpyhulsky, member of the SFCU Board and the NJ Advisory Board.
(4) Selfreliance Federal Credit Union presented a donation to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Whippany at their Annual Prosphora, which took place at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey in Whippany on Sunday, January 19, 2025. Standing in the photos from left are Rev. Stepan Bilyk, Pastor of St. John the Baptist UCC in Whippany, accepting the SFCU donation from Michael Koziupa, member of the New Jersey Advisory Board of Selfreliance FCU.
(5) November 21, 2024 Selfreliance Federal Credit Union presented a donation to Father Taras Svirchuk, pastor of St. John the Baptist UCC in Newark. The check was presented at the church Ihor Laszok, SFCU Board Member Emeritus and NJ Advisory Board member; Irene Agne, Newark Branch Manager and NJ Advisory Board Secretary; along with Daria Twardowsky-Vincent, East Coast Regional Manager, SFCU Foundation Board member and Chair of the NJ Advisory Board.
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Українська Федеральна Кредитова Спілка “Самопоміч” співпрацює з українськими церковними громадами у місцевостях, де живуть члени Кредитівки.