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Selfreliance FCU supports parishioners of area Ukrainian Churches

June 10th, 2024

Sunday, June 2, 2024, Selfreliance Federal Credit Union representatives visited Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Following the Liturgy, they spoke to the parishioners about the range of financial products and services offered by Selfreliance FCU, especially those tailored for newcomers from Ukraine. The presenters included: Irene Agne, Iryna Borsa and Daria Twardowsky-Vincent.

Attached are photos from the presentation:

Featured from the left in the first photo are: Ihor Laszok, SFCU Board Member Emeritus and NJ Advisory Board member; Iryna Borsa, Jersey City Branch Manager; Father Ivan Turyk, Pastor of the Assumption of the BVM UCC; Daria Twardowsky-Vincent, Each Coast Regional Manager and NJ Advisory Board Chair; and Irene Agne, Newark Branch Manager and NJ Advisory Board Secretary.

In the second photo, Father Ivan Turyk is presented with a donation from Selfreliance FCU to the Perth Amboy parish. Additional photos feature speakers, attendees and promotional posters.

Selfreliance FCU is proud of its ongoing commitment to serving the needs of the parishioners of our Ukrainian Churches and its mutually beneficial relationship with our community’s religious institutions.

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Представники УФКС Самопоміч відвідали УКЦ Вознесіння Пречистої Діви Марії у Перт-Амбой, Н.Дж. у неділю 2 червня 2024 року. Після Богослуження вони розказали парафіянам про фінансові послуги Кредитівки, а особливо як Кредитівка допомагає новоприбулим.

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