Plast Debutante ball co-sponsored by SFCU
Young Ukrainian women are presented to their communities as a rite of passage into adulthood at the annual Debutante Ball.
The annual Plast Newark Debutante Ball took place on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at the Hanover Marriott in Whippany, New Jersey. Selfreliance Federal Credit Union was one of the sponsors of this event.
Standing amid the debutantes are Michael Koziupa, member of the New Jersey Advisory Board of Selfreliance FCU, and his wife, Anna.
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Традиційний Пластовий Баль Дебютанток відбувся 25 січня 2025 року в Ньюарку, Н.Дж. УФКС Самопоміч була спонсором вечора.
На світлині між дебютантками стоїть член Дорадчої Ради Н.Дж. Михайло Козюпа з дружиною Анною.